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This site was established by Dr. Paul Martinus in September, 2024. I was blessed to study under Dr. Ronda Chervin who herself studied under Drs. Alice and Dietrich von Hildebrand. Dr. Chervin from John Hopkins Philosophy Dept. before transferring to Loyola Marymount’s for its theological underpinnings was my philosophy chair at Holy Apostles College and Seminary (HACS). I not only studied under her, but we became dear friends. She even introduced me to Dr. Alice Hildebrand whom I had the pleasure to get to know through email correspondence. At HACS, I also was privileged to study under and befriend Dr. Richard Geraghty in the metaphysics department who himself had studied under Dr. Joseph Owens of Toronto’s Pontifical institute of Medieval Studies. Richard and I enjoyed discussions on metaphysics until the end of his battle with diabetes. My time at HACS where I graduated cum laude with a 3.50 GPA, helped me to become the ethicist I am today, form the philosophic foundation upon which my knowledge of epistemology, axiology, and ontology rests today. I am blessed to carry on the ethical traditions founded by the Hildabrands and passed down to be through Dr. Chervin who added to their findings and metaphysics of Dr. Owens passed down by Dr. Geraghty who added his own findings.